MSc Program in Immunobiology

Last Update 11 Αυγούστου, 2024
0 already enrolled


The curriculum of the programme includes core courses, which are compulsory.

Upon the successful examination in the courses the students will receive their degree with 120 ECTS. A student can attend more courses (with the agreement of the course tutor) if they wish, and provided they have collected the required ECTS. The extra courses will be listed in the diploma supplement.

The first year includes acquiring theoretical knowledge in all aspects of of Immunobiology as well as all the new trends and technologies including therapeutic perspectives. More importantly the training of the students in the first year includes laboratory training and hands on experience in a great variety of research approaches necessary for an immunologist either in an academic setting or the private sector.

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ECTS 120
Διάρκεια 24 Μήνες
Παρακολούθηση Physical Presence