DAMSL-091 Numerical Algorithms
Course Code
Teaching Semester
A semester
ECTS Credits
- Floating point arithmetic,
- Stability of algorithms,
- Root finding algorithms: Bisection, Newton and Secant methods,
- Methods for solving linear systems: Direct methods (LU, Cholesky), Iterative methods (Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, SOR, Steepest Descent, Conjugate Gradient),
- Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and its applications,
- Least Squares problem,
- Interpolation and Numerical differentiation,
- Algorithms in Optimization,
- Monte Carlo methods.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course the students will be able to:
- Have good knowledge of the basic numerical algorithms in the field, their properties, and characteristics.
- Computer implementation of the algorithms
- Solution of basic applied problems using these algorithms
- Very good understanding of their capabilities, limitations, advantages, and disadvantages
Student Performance Evaluation
Homework and/or Lab Assignments, Final Exam and/or Project
Prerequisite Courses
Calculus I, Linear Algebra I, Python