30 Ιουλίου, 2024 2024-08-01 7:03About
Duration of Studies
The University of Crete has 62 main Postgraduate Studies Programmes (PSP) leading to Master degrees (M.A/M.Sc) or a PSP degree, which is equivalent to a Master. Within many of these degree programmes there are ‘directions’ allowing for specializations in the field of study. The typical duration of a Master programme is 2 years (4 semesters). Doctoral studies leading to a Ph.D (minimum duration 3 years) are available in the same fields and in areas of research expertise throughout the University. Many of the postgraduate programmes offered by the University are multi-disciplinary or interdisciplinary in character and involve inter-departmental &/or inter-institutional collaborations.
Applications for postgraduate studies (Master and PhD) are made directly through the relevant department. Prospective candidates can find all the necessary information on the application and selection procedures through the website of the relevant department (listed in adjacent column). Calls inviting applications to a Master programme are announced through the University’s homepage and through the Department sites. PhD candidates should contact the postgraduate secretary of the Department in question concerning specific requirements and deadlines. Candidates for the Master programmes must have a Bachelor Degree in a related field and PhD candidates are normally also required to hold a Master degree. If the Bachelors or Master degrees were obtained from a University outside Greece they need to be formally recognized by the Hellenic National Academic Recognition Information Centre [NARIC/ΔΟΑΤΑΠ website: http://www.doatap.gr]. In this case the formal starting date for doctoral studies is the date of approval of the degrees by NARIC.
Choose between 62 Postgraduate Studies Programmes
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