

Duration of Studies

Postgraduate programmes at the University of Crete last from one calendar year to two academic years, depending on the programme of study. An extension of the duration of studies may be granted after a personal application by the student and the agreement of the Departmental Assembly or the Programme Committee of the MSc. Suspension of studies for extremely serious reasons may be granted after a personal application sent or submitted by the interested parties to the Department or Programme Secretariat. The competent collective body shall examine the request and take a decision on it.

Selection procedure and criteria for postgraduate students

Each academic year (or per academic semester) departments publish a call for expressions of interest for the selection of postgraduate students. Current invitations are posted on the websites of the departments and the Foundation. Graduates from universities in Greece or recognised equivalent institutions abroad are admitted to the Postgraduate Studies Programmes. If the undergraduate degree was obtained abroad, it must be recognised as equivalent by the IOATAP.

A prerequisite for the enrolment in the MSc programmes for graduates of Greek nationality is the knowledge of a foreign language, while for foreign graduates the knowledge of the Greek language.

The Assembly of each Department or the Curriculum Committee for the Interdepartmental or Interdisciplinary MSc (ISP) determines the details of the application of these criteria, the definition of additional criteria or the possible examination in certain courses. The selection of admissions is made by a committee of faculty members of the relevant Department or Programme, which is constituted by decision of the Assembly or the Programme Committee of the MSc. The list of successful candidates shall be validated by the competent collective bodies. Each Postgraduate Programme at the University of Crete has specific selection criteria for its postgraduate students, which can be found on the website of each Programme.

Programmes Postgraduate Studies

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University of Crete
Department of Postgraduate Studies
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