Applications for admission in the Graduate Programme “Forensic Medicine, Anthropology and Imaging are now open! Apply now for Full or Modular study in 2025-26! DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS is the 30th of April, 2025.

Read the detailed announcement here:


The Graduate Program in “Forensic Medicine, Anthropology and Imaging” accepts applications from candidates who hold Bachelor’s degrees from Higher Education Institutions or Technical Education Institutes (TEI) in Greece or from equivalent institutes abroad, from Faculties or Departments of Medicine, Biology, Anatomy, Anthropology, Archaeology, Dentistry, Radiography, Forensic Sciences, Police Academy and Law amongst others.

The Programme will announce two rounds of applications for the academic year 2025-2026. The first is expected to be announced at the end of February 2025 and the second one in June 2025.

All applications shall be submitted electronically via the website in which the applicants must create a user account, process their application, upload their supporting documents and submit before the deadline.

Applicants are invited to first create a user account at: and then to upload the following certificates or files:

  1. Certified copy of the BSc or MD degree 

According to the Greek law 4957/2022, holders of academic degrees awarded by foreign Higher Education Institutions do not have to apply to DOATAP for the recognition of their degree, as a prerequisite to continue their studies at a higher level in a Greek Higher Education Institution (MSc; PhD). Candidates apply directly to the University and programme according to the admission requirements. The University is responsible for the academic assessment of their degree/s. For this purpose, the University examines whether the foreign institution that awarded the title belongs to the National Registry of Foreign Recognized Higher Education Institutes and whether the title type belongs to the National Registry of Foreign Recognized Academic Title Types of recognized foreign institutions posted on the DOATAP website. If either the awarding foreign Higher Education Institution or the title type of their degree are not included in the above mentioned Registries, the Greek University will contact DOATAP in order to examine them. Only degrees over 180 ECTS are recognized. The MSc degree will not be awarded to a student whose degree from a foreign institution has not been recognized from the National Academic Recognition Information Center (DOATAP).

  1. Proof of competence and fluency in the English language of level B2 or higher (according to the Council of Europe). If the degree(s) of the candidates are awarded from an English Higher Education Institute or an English taught Programme no English certificates are required.
  2. Transcript of Grades
  3. A CV of the candidate, written in English, with information about his/her studies, the academic/professional experience, the scientific/social activities, as well as a list of publications and scientific work (if available)
  4. A Motivation Letter where the candidate explains the reasons and his/her motivation for participating in the Programme
  5. Two (2) letters of recommendation
  6. Proof of professional and/or research activity (if available)
  7. One recent passport-size photograph

Candidates that fulfil the above mentioned criteria will be called for an interview. The interview process will allow the committee to assess the general skills and qualifications of the interviewees in relation to the submitted documents.

The evaluation of the students will be according to the following criteria in the grading scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being the highest grade). 

  • Interview (25%)
  • CV and Research Activity of the Applicant (15%)
  • Evaluation of Recommendation Letters (15%)
  • Grades in the undergraduate courses relevant to the Program (15%)
  • Letter of Motivation (10%)
  • Grade of the Degree (10%)
  • Research relevance and grade in the degree thesis (10%)

Modular Study

The Programme offers for the first time the possibility of modular study for candidates that are unable to commit to the full course. The admission criteria are the same as for the MSc candidates and upon acceptance they can attend up to 3 courses. The attendees will participate in lectures, practical sessions and exams and they will receive a Certificate of Attendance, not an MSc diploma, with the corresponding ECTS following the completion of the requirements for each module.

The attendees will not be PG students and they will not have the rights and obligations deriving from the student status.

The cost is set to 900 euros per module with the possibility of a 10% fee reduction for the second and 20% for the third module. In the case attendees who have successfully completed one of the module are later enrolled as students of the Programme they have the right to transfer the acquired ECTS and to receive a fee reduction.