Ralph Bouhaidar
Senior Lecturer of Forensic Pathology
NHS Lothian/University of Edinburgh

Short bio

Ralph is a Consultant Forensic Pathologist at NHS Lothian and a Senior Clinical Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh. In addition to extensive undergraduate teaching experience, he is the Training Programme Director for Forensic Histopathology in Scotland and the Associate Postgraduate Dean for Diagnostics (Radiology and Histopathology) in the West of Scotland. Ralph is an external and internal examiner for several universities as well as a senior examiner for the Royal College of Pathologists and the Society of Apothecaries. He is a PhD supervisor and is the first pathologist to apply PMCT in Scotland. He sits on numerous local and national committees and is the workforce and recruitment lead for the Specialist Advisory Committee of the Royal College of Pathologists. Ralph leads on CBRN and DVI commonly using PMCT and is a consultant for the International Committee of the Red Cross. He is currently heavily involved in simulation training and the use of technology in forensic pathology.