Tobias Hertle
Chefarzt Institut für Radiologie
Institut für Radiologie,Interlaken, Bern

Short bio

Tobias Hertle is the Chief of the Department of Radiology in the Hospital of Interlaken (Bern) in Switzerland. He is a radiologist and neuroradiologist with over 20 years of training and expertice, with special focus on neuro- and musculosceletal Imaging. He worked among others at the University Hospitals in Heidelberg and Mannheim, Bern, Zurich, Dresden. He was also part of the team of Prof. Dr. med. Gunther von Hagens, the innovator of human and veterinary Plastination („bodyworlds“); his main project was „the orthopaedic body“. In his doctoral thesis, he presented empirical studies on the computed tomographic differentiation of projectile types and shot distances in absolute and relative close-range shots with surviving gunshot wounds.