Eugenia Cunha
Professor in Forensic/Physical Anthropology
University of Coimbra, Portugal

Short bio

Eugénia Cunha is a full professor at the University of Coimbra since 2003 and, since 2018, she is the Director of the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences (NILMFS) , South Delegation, Lisbon. She is/was invited teacher in Brazil, France, Spain, and USA (Stanford University). She acts as a National Consultant for Forensic Anthropology at the NILMFS in Portugal since 1997. Eugénia is a fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences in the Anthropology Section. She was nominated president of FASE (whose co-founder is) in 2009 (until 2016) and she is now vice-president of the Brazilian Association of Forensic Anthropology. She is a Member of Pathology and Anthropology Sub-group, Interpol DVI Working Group. She is acting as a forensic anthropology expert in international missions in several countries focused on crimes against humanity and human rights violations. Her research interests cover age and ancestry estimation methods and skeletal pathologies. Eugenia received the prestigious AAFS 2023 T. Dale Stewart award as a recognition of her outstanding career-long contributions to the field of forensic anthropology.