MSc Dissertation



Course Code

MSc Thesis

Teaching Semester

C Semester

ECTS Credits


Learning Objectives

The dissertation is a piece of independent research supervised by a member of staff, in an area related to the MSc degree. This module allows students to choose their own subject area and specific research topic, define the pace of work and approach, exploit their own strengths and interests by demonstrating originality and creativity. Students are expected to choose a topic that is related to their programme of study and specialisation (if any).

By the end of this module, the students will be:

  • able to conduct literature review and choose a research topic that is not adequately investigated in their area of research
  • able to learn from existing knowledge or expertise in a particular area of interest within the fields of Forensic Medicine, Forensic Anthropology and Forensic Imaging and/or closely related disciplines
  • able to apply theories, methods and principles taught in the degree programme using empirical analysis
  • able to set specific research questions and choose statistical methods to test their hypotheses, present and interpret their results
  • able to engage in scientific writing

Prerequisite Courses

Courses summing 30 ECTS in Semester 1 and  30 ECTS in Semester 2.

Organization of Instruction

Students must submit a research proposal with title, objectives, proposed methodology, expected results, feasibility, time table and bibliography. They must have previously discussed and agreed the topic with their main supervisor.

Class Format

A dissertation of 12,000 words. Public defense with a PPT presentation.