Elias Kehagias, MD, PhD, EBIR, FCIRSE, is an Interventional Radiologist at University Hospital of Heraklion, Crete, Greece, since 2008 and Assistant Professor of Vascular and Interventional Radiology at University of Crete Medical School, Greece, since 2021. His main areas of expertise are peripheral percutaneous vascular interventions (diagnostic arterial and venous angiographies PTA and stenting, EVAR, emergency and elective embolization, Vascular Access procedures), as well as percutaneous non-vascular interventions (PTCD, ureteral stenting, image guided ablation, drainage and biopsies). His scientific interests also include Diagnostic CT Angiography with a special focus on Perfusion Techniques for the evaluation of Critical Ischemia and Endoleaks following EVAR procedures. On the field of Vascular Access procedures he has published two technique modifications, the “L-shaped tunnelling technique” for port placement, in 2016, and the “Arm to-Chest Tunnelling technique” for arm placement of implantable ports or central catheters, in 2019.
Elias Kehagias
Assistant Professor of Vascular and Interventional Radiology
University of Crete