Emmanouil Hourdakis received his PhD in Robotics from the Department of Computer Science of the University of Crete. In the past he was a member of the ABC labs at the University of Plymouth (UK). He has been with the Computational Vision and Robotics Laboratory, of the Institute of Computer Science (ICS), FORTH, since 2006, working on multi-disciplinary topics in robotics, including Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, Robot and Environment Simulation, Human behavior modeling, Motor Control, Bipedal Locomotion and Action Execution/Observation. He has participated as Principal Investigator and work package leader in numerous European and National research projects, focusing on the development of innovative robotic systems. His research has been invited into high impact factor journals, and awarded by the International Neural Network Society (INNS). His work has also attracted both national and international funding, including a long-term collaboration with the Honda Research Institute, Japan.
Emmanouil Hourdakis
Robotics Researcher
Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)