Vangelis Sakkalis holds a Research Director (Full Professor level) position in the Institute of Computer Science – Foundation for Research and Technology (ICS – FORTH). He is the Head of the Computational Neuroscience group and the Head of Multiscale Cancer Modelling group at the Computational Biomedicine Laboratory. He co-founded “traqbeat”, a remote, medical-grade patient monitoring startup, in which he is currently serving as CEO. He received his PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineering after completing his Master’s degree at Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, UK. He has been a member of the board of Directors at FORTH and was elected president of the board of researchers at FORTH. He holds a Visiting Professor appointment at the University of Crete, School of Medicine. His background falls in Biomedical Engineering and His research interests include biosignal and image analysis, visualization, classification algorithms and biostatistics applied in computational medicine, cognitive neuroscience and biomedical informatics. He has long experience as the coordinator and PI of EU and national projects. He has published more than 150 papers in scientific archival journals, proceedings of international conferences & workshops and scientific newsletters, related to his fields of expertise. He is highly interested in translating academic research to innovative growth. He has given numerous invited lectures worldwide and his research has been funded by numerous funding agencies and companies.
Vangelis Sakkalis
Research Director
Institute of Computer Science – Foundation for Research and Technology (ICS - FORTH)