Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR) – Theory and Applications



Course Code


Teaching Semester

Teaching Hours per Week


ECTS Credits



  1. Introducing NMR spectroscopy
    1. NMR spectroscopy – early days
    2. NMR spectroscopy applications
    3. Basic NMR principles
  1. NMR – Chemical shift
    1. Shielding constants
    2. Shielding, de-shielding and chemical shift
    3. The δ scale
    4. Inductive effects
    5. Magnetic anisotropy
  1. NMR – J coupling
    1. Chemical equivalence of nuclei and molecular symmetry
    2. First order coupling between chemically equivalent nuclei
    3. Two bond coupling (geminal)
    4. Three-bond coupling (vicinal)
    5. Long range coupling (W)
  1. Heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy
    1. Basic principles, sensitivity, natural abundance
    2. 13C NMR spectroscopy, INEPT, DEPT pulse sequences
    3. 13C NMR chemical shifts
    4. 13Ρ NMR spectroscopy
  1. Two-dimensional NMR Homonuclear correlation
    1. Spin-spin coupling
    2. Dipole-dipole interaction (Nuclear Overhauser Enhancement)
    3. 1H-1H COSY, 1H-1H NOESY 2D NMR
  1. Two-dimensional NMR δύο διαστάσεων-Heteronuclear correlation
  2. Direct correlations of 1H-13C, 13Ρ, 15Ν (HSQC experiment)
  3. Long range correlations 1H-13C (HMBC experiment)
  1. NMR spectroscopy of less common nuclei
    1. NMR of Spin ½ nuclei
    2. Quadrupolar NMR
  1. Proteins and BioNMR
    1. 3D structure of proteins by ΝΜR
    2. Molecular interactions, ligand binding and kinetics
  1. Solid state NMR
    1. High resolution-Magic Angle Spinning (HR-MAS) NMR
    2. Cross Polarization- Magic Angle Spinning (CP-MAS) NMR
  1. Lab course
    1. Sample preparation
    2. NMR processing software, Topspin
    3. NMR database searching
    4. Processing of 1D and 2D NMR spectra
    5. NMR spectrum integration – Quantitative analysis

Learning Outcomes

The learning outcome of this course is understanding the basic theoretical principals of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and its applications in chemistry and related scientific fields. The specific knowledge, skills and competences acquired by the students are as follows:

  • Understanding of the basic principles of NMR theory
  • Familiarization with the multitude of available NMR experimental techniques, methodologies and protocols (1D NMR, 2D NMR, HR-MAS, CP-MAS, BioNMR, κλπ)
  • Sample preparation, acquisition, and processing of NMR spectra
  • Structure elucidation of organic compounds by NMR spectroscopy
  • Quantitative analysis of complex mixtures (foods, plant extracts, biological samples, polymers/materials, etc.)

Student Performance Evaluation

(50%) Written exam with problem solving questions and NMR spectral assignment, (50%) Public research presentation on an NMR-related subject chosen by the student

Prerequisite courses

Analytical chemistry, organic chemistry and spectroscopy

Frequently asked questions

Who can apply?

The program is addressed to graduates of Faculties of Sciences and Technology, Faculties of Engineering, Schools of Agriculture, and other Faculties of related subjects of Higher Education Institutions.

What is the methodology used?

The training curriculum consists of a number of specialized lectures on the above mentioned topics, laboratory and field work, hands-on exercises on data analysis and numerical modeling.

Is the programme full time?

Yes, and it lasts 4 semesters

What is the cost of the programme?

There are no tuition fees.

Is the programme tought in English?

The courses are taught in Greek or English depending on the audience. The Master thesis can be written in Greek or English after approval from the overseen committee.